Do I have to hire experts or an agency for my website’s SEO?

Edin Ibrišimović
Digital Marketing Expert
You don’t need experts for SEO; someone with online market savvy and basic marketing skills can suffice. But beware of unethical practices’ damage.
No, you don’t! If you do not want to engage experts or marketing agencies, it would be desirable for you to have a man in a company that has enough time and feel for the online market, and who would be prepared to learn the minimal basics of classical and digital marketing. Knowledge of Google Analytics, writing quality content, strategic marketing, branding techniques, etc. will certainly further enhance your SEO capabilities.
Since Google often changes the parameters for ranking web content, they often change SEO rules or complement the new ranking factors. Therefore, you need to be ready to continuously monitor flows and continually learn and improve.
CAUTION: Online courses that teach you how to optimize the website in minutes or hours, or the ones that help you be the first on Google in a couple of days are scams or an attempt to cheat Google. Neither of them is good.
What does the engagement of SEO experts or marketing agencies mean?
SEO experts have many years of experience, they know and recognize the chances of developing your business, they are working according to the latest knowledge and do not promise impossible in accordance with their knowledge. Based on the analysis of the online marketplace and your current position in relation to the competition as well as the sensitivity of your target group, they set short-term and long-term goals and plans..
Engagement of a SEO person who is not a professional or does not stop using illegal methods can leave very bad trails on your business and even destroy it.